"“You want to know how I see my ADHD?” Melanie said. “It’s a dirty baby.” … Since being diagnosed, Melanie said, “My life is starting to make sense now.” That part of herself that she couldn’t entirely trust, the dirty baby, was ADHD. “No matter how many times I wash him, he’s always messy.” I giggled at her metaphor and then stopped at her serious look. “I really hate how the dirty baby makes me feel overwhelmed and angry. Some days, I just end up hating myself.” Melanie was beginning to understand how menacing the emotional dysregulation associated with ADHD feels."
You can’t tame what you don’t understand…
I am an Amazon Associate and I am someone who has been greatly helped by this book. If you relate to Melanie’s story above then I think you’ll benefit from reading it. The link above is an Amazon Associate link.